Monday 24 November 2014

Lucky 6 the game

India is a very big country with a huge population. Here people have a lot of aspirations of getting rich and earning big money. However the population is much more as compared to the opportunities. But ones luck is not a function of any external factor. We do not know when lady luck may smile upon us. People standing in long queues outside lottery shops is not uncommon, others try their luck at casinos or in a  game of chance. What’s common to all this activity? It is that one has to spend money in order to win something. All this is about to change with the advent of Lucky 6 a game brought to us by

This game is a result of fat cat's  crowdsourcing funded project. In a country like ours where almost everyone has a mobile phone this app based game comes as an answer to a lot of game playing population.
Why one should play this game? The quick answer is to win. Win prizes like cash and holidays.
Winning gives immense gratification to players. However most free games reward players with badges,points or other small value prizes .Lucky 6 is the game of choice as it offers low stakes in terms that it is a free game and loads of prizes (Ready cash and Holidays)
It is a very easy to play the game. All that one needs to do is use the mobile phone  get the app from the company website

This is an app based game.
 The interface is intuitive and easy to understand. For first use you would need an email to register. Choose a nickname by which you want to get famous (When you win cash and holidays you are bound to get famous )
Choose a pass code. Upon completing the signup process check your email and confirm your user information by clicking on the link and you are all set to play the game.
Use your email and passcode to login to the app.
The Gameplay is simple upon logging in click upon the Lucky 6 icon
The screen will show a list of brands. Your job as a player is to pick a set of six brands that you think will gain maximum on the game day. That is it, you are all set to play.
Now wait for the game day. If the stocks of the brands that you have chosen rises maximum on the game day then you would be declared as the winner.

The game is as simple as picking up a lottery ticket but more interactive and interesting as in the process of brand selection the players involvement increases .This is a big plus for any game.
Steps to play the game
Step 1: Download the app on your mobile device from

Step 2: Register your details

Registering requires entering Email,Selecting a nickname and a five digit passcode. The user can also enter information of the person who referred him or her.

Step 3 Confirm your information: Check your inbox for an email from 
The user needs to click on the link to confirm his/her details. Now the user is ready to play the game

Step 4: Login to the app: Use your email and the five digit passcode to login to the app.

The user can take the tour to see how to play the game.

Step 5:Lets Play the Game: Click on the lucky 6 icon. It will take you to a list showing a number of brands
You need to pick any six of the brands . Then on the day of the game play if the stocks of your selected brands witnesses the highest gain then you win.

It is a game which would keep you involved and want to play more and more.
All images are taken from and snapshots are created using fatcat.apk app

1 comment:

  1. Hmm....Nice review of the game. In indiblogger you mentioned some contest, which contest?

    Take care.
