Wednesday 13 May 2015

My vote for my choice

As soon as an ad comes onto the TV screen we promptly change the channel in the hope of seeing something new and to be relieved from the boredom of watching the same ads again and again. Things have changed and Pepsi has just turned the tables on us. We have to watch the ads if we want to vote and if we want our favorite ad to come out a winner. In the gallery of videos there are the ads of not only the Finalists but of all those who have submitted their video ads. The final winning People’s Choice Pepsi IPL Ad would be featured on the TV during the last leg of the Pepsi IPL. It will not be chosen by the esteemed jury like the rest of the ads, but it will be chosen by the people of India, who will vote for their favorite ads and send them straight to TV screens during the Pepsi IPL. Just as the tension mounts before the final overs of a cricket match and every one watches with a bated breath as to who would turn out to be a winner similar is the situation here. After all we have exercised our voting power and we want to know as to which ad would turn out to be the winner. There are a variety of ads in the ad gallery. These ads give us an insight into the working of human minds. When we view the ads we find different thinking to come out in the forefront. We learn what Pepsi means to different people which are visible in their treatment of the story line. After having gone through the ads I have short listed a few of them which I have found to be interesting in their concept and presentation.

This seems an interesting advertisement. The guy is enjoying food with Pepsi. The bell rings and he opens the door. The courier guys gives him a letter and offers the pen to sign but the pen is not working so the guy goes inside the house to get the pen. The courier guys sees the Pepsi and can’t stop himself from stealing the Pepsi. The guy comes back with the pen and signs. After closing the door he sees his missing Pepsi so what does he do he simply grabs another bottle. This way both the guy and the courier guy enjoy their favorite Pepsi. Its beg, borrow and steal for the love of Pepsi.

This advertisement catches everyone's attention. Cricket is like a passion for every Indian. We are so crazy for cricket that even repetitive viewing of the highlights does not make us feel bored. The video captures our attention for sure. The one man team grabs our attention till last. The commentary is well said. And at last it’s revealed that the boy is playing for the trophy which is none other than the Pepsi can. It’s a very engrossing ad.
Finally is the ad for which I would like to vote for.

This is the advertisement which is a winner for me. I just love it. There is suspense, a mystery in this. A couple is shown. There is a unique chemistry between them. A special bonding and romance is visible. The guy always asks the girl "Abhi" and the girl just smiles and ignores his Abhi. The couple is shown at different places but the guys question remains the same Abhi?
This creates immense suspense.The guy first gifts a flower to the girl and asks Abhi?
Then they are seen in a elevator where the guy standing in front of them also wonders what they mean by Abhi. Then the girl goes to the changing room where also the guys says Abhi but the girl just smiles as always and doesn’t answer the guy. But at last the girl speaks up and says Abhi. The guy takes out the Pepsi and takes a sip. So at last the suspense is over.
This is a very interesting concept and a sure shot hit.
“I’m voting for the best ads in the #CrashThePepsiIPL activity in association with BlogAdda from 8th May to 14th May. Are you?”

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